If you came to this section in hopes that it would explain publishing of a book, you have been let down. This section only talks about the mysteries of publishing mainly concert band music. First have a pretty good piece of music, that you're sure people would want to play. Possibly have a teacher or older band student edit it to make sure it's playable: it sounds good, and is easy enough to play for the targeted performers. Note: I would recommend having about six pieces ready to go. You can only send each piece to one publisher at a time; if they find out you've sent it to someone else, they may not ever do business with you again. Also, if both publishers like it, then you have to admit to both of them that you broke the rules. Now you lost out on both of those publishers. When you find a publisher that will publish something , you have a better chance with doing business with them in the future. Find that publisher can be a slow going process, so sending out more th...
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