Alfred Publishing Info

Because Alfred doesn't have any of it's publishing info online, here it is:

Thank you for giving Alfred Music Publishing the opportunity to see your work! We review every submission carefully to ensure that our publications are of the highest quality and provide the maximum educational value. Please take extra care to follow all of our guidelines before mailing your work.

Manuscript submissions not specifically requested by one of Alfred's acquisition editors are considered unsolicited and will be reviewed under the following guidelines:

Alfred will review unsolicited manuscripts in the following areas only: concert band, jazz band, marching band, school choral, orchestra, handbell, percussion methods, and music classroom. Manuscripts are to be addressed to the editorial attention of one of these areas (e.g., Attn: Concert Band Editor).

Manuscripts are to be submitted in a manner consistent with notation for the product type (e.g., band and orchestra works should be submitted in score form). Lead sheets or song lyrics will not be reviewed. A CD recording is recommended.

Send a copy of the manuscript. Do not send the original or your only copy. Submissions are to be original material or arrangements in the public domain. Arrangements of copyrighted material or arrangements of pop songs will not be reviewed.

Submit both a printed copy of the manuscript and a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Manuscripts lacking return postage will be discarded. Recordings without a copy of the manuscript will not be reviewed and will be discarded. Manuscripts sent via e-mail will not be reviewed.

Alfred is to be the only publisher in current review of the manuscript.
Please send photocopies of your work along with a self-addressed stamped envelope and any available recordings to:

Alfred Music Publishing
Attn: Submissions
PO Box 10003
Van Nuys, CA  91410-0003

Thank you again for your interest in Alfred. Please allow 12 weeks for a response on your submission. If you need additional information or if we can be of further assistance to you, contact us by phone at (818) 892-2452 or by email at


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